[Script Info] ; Script generated by Aegisub 3.2.2 ; http://www.aegisub.org/ Title: English (US) Original Translation: Original Editing: Original Timing: Synch Point: Script Updated By: Update Details: ScriptType: v4.00+ PlayResX: 1920 PlayResY: 1080 WrapStyle: 0 ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes YCbCr Matrix: TV.601 [Aegisub Project Garbage] Audio File: [SubsPlease] Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita - 12 (1080p) [36A08066].mkv Video File: [SubsPlease] Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita - 12 (1080p) [36A08066].mkv Video AR Mode: 4 Video AR Value: 1.777778 Video Zoom Percent: 0.625000 Scroll Position: 276 Active Line: 283 Video Position: 31971 [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Roboto Medium,51,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,2,60,60,69,1 Style: Main,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,2,60,60,69,1 Style: Italics,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,-1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,2,60,60,69,1 Style: Flashback,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,2,60,60,69,1 Style: Flashback_Italics,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,-1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,2,60,60,69,1 Style: Narration,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,-1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,2,60,60,69,1 Style: Main - Top,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,8,60,60,69,1 Style: Italics - Top,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,-1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,8,60,60,69,1 Style: Flashback - Top,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,8,60,60,69,1 Style: Flashback_Italics - Top,Roboto Medium,78,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,-1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,3.9,0,8,60,60,69,1 Style: Sign_Basic,Trebuchet MS,72,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,6,3,2,30,30,54,1 Style: Show_Title,Trebuchet MS,81,&H00000000,&H000000FF,&H00F9FDFA,&H00000000,-1,0,0,0,110,110,0,0,1,6,0,8,30,30,45,1 Style: Episode_Title,Times New Roman,60,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&HB4000000,&H00000000,-1,0,0,0,100,140,0,0,1,6,0,1,126,27,240,1 Style: Voice Actor,Times New Roman,48,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00452316,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,3,3,0,4,138,1284,0,1 Style: Character Bio,Times New Roman,48,&H00452316,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,110,110,0,0,1,0,0,7,135,0,582,1 Style: sign_14602_147_She_is_the_reinc,Times New Roman,45,&H00452316,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,110,110,0,0,1,0,0,7,132,855,570,1 Style: Character Sign,Broadway-Normal,100,&H00536625,&H000000FF,&H00D3EBA3,&H00000000,0,0,-1,0,100,100,0,0,3,50,0,2,10,10,10,1 [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:01.68,0:00:03.57,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Pusťte mě ven! Prosím vás!{Let me out! I'm begging you!} Dialogue: 0,0:00:03.57,0:00:05.04,Main,Sorcerers,0,0,0,,Sklapni, Elephasi!{Shut up, Elephas!} Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.23,0:00:09.23,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,V hlavním městě drží naše ženy\N a děti jako rukojmí!{The imperial capital is holding our \Nwomen and children hostage!} Dialogue: 0,0:00:09.88,0:00:11.48,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,To byste je kvůli vašemu cíli obětovali?{You would sacrifice them for your cause?!} Dialogue: 0,0:00:11.48,0:00:14.87,Main,Sorcerers,0,0,0,,Tohle od zrádnýho čokla, co vrtí ocasem\N sotva vidí Královnu Vdovu, slyšet nechceme!{I don't want to hear that from a traitorous \Ndog that wags its tail for the dowager empress!} Dialogue: 0,0:00:14.87,0:00:18.67,Main,Sorcerers,0,0,0,,Ovládneme Pána démonů místo tebe\N a zaútočíme na hlavní město!{We'll control the demon king in your \Nstead and attack the imperial capital!} Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.64,0:00:25.04,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Co hodláš udělat teď?{What are you going to do now?} Dialogue: 0,0:00:25.04,0:00:26.25,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Lady Aileen. Dialogue: 0,0:00:26.51,0:00:30.25,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Takže přeci jen plánují státní převrat.{So they were planning a coup d'état.} Dialogue: 0,0:00:30.25,0:00:34.01,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Pokud je nezastavíš,\N rod Levi skutečně zanikne.{If you don't stop them, the Levi \Nfamily really will go extinct.} Dialogue: 0,0:00:34.70,0:00:39.51,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Přesně jak říkala Lady Lilia.\N Budoucnost nelze změnit.{It's just like Lady Lilia said. \NThe future can't be changed.} Dialogue: 0,0:00:39.51,0:00:43.13,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Lady Lilia? Takže přeci jen jsi na její straně.{Lady Lilia? So you are on Lady Lilia's side.} Dialogue: 0,0:00:44.73,0:00:48.85,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Ne, mým skutečným pánem je Královna Vdova.{No, the dowager empress is my true master.} Dialogue: 0,0:00:49.30,0:00:52.47,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Chovám jen jednostrannou náklonnost...\N k Lady Lilii.{I just have a... one-sided \Naffection for Lady Lilia.} Dialogue: 0,0:00:54.17,0:00:56.96,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Proč se na mě díváte,\N jako bych byl nějaký odpad?!{Why are you looking at me\N like I'm something dirty?!} Dialogue: 0,0:00:56.96,0:00:58.50,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,O nic nejde. Pokračujte.{It's nothing. Continue.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:01.42,0:01:05.36,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Poprvé jsem s Lady Lilií mluvil před půl rokem.{I first spoke with Lady Lilia half a year ago.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.36,0:01:06.72,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Počkat, můžu pokračovat.{Wait, never mind.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:06.72,0:01:09.32,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Vsadím se, že vám srdíčko rozbušila slovy jako,{I bet she made your heart race with words like,} Dialogue: 0,0:01:09.32,0:01:13.52,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,"To je tak hrozné,\N vidět vás takhle dřít a to pro nic!"{"It's so sad to see you working \Nso hard for nothing!"} Dialogue: 0,0:01:13.52,0:01:15.00,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,To pro ní byla hračka.{Too easy.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:15.78,0:01:19.62,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Nehaňte tak prosím \N mé drahocenné vzpomínky.{Please don't destroy my treasured \Nmemories so offhandedly.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:20.15,0:01:25.16,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Takže ti tvrdila, že pokud to takhle půjde dál,\N rod Levi přestane existovat?{So, she told you the Levi family would \Nbe destroyed at the rate things are going?} Dialogue: 0,0:01:25.16,0:01:26.59,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Přesně.{Exactly.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:28.31,0:01:29.87,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Aha.{I see.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:29.87,0:01:34.21,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Také se jí opět podařilo získat Svatý meč,\N o který přišla.{She was also able to regain the \Nholy sword she had once lost.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:35.45,0:01:38.38,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Půjčil jsem si od ní Svatý meč a...{I borrowed the holy sword from her, and...} Dialogue: 0,0:01:39.36,0:01:42.20,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Za vše můžu já.{Everything is my fault.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:42.58,0:01:45.04,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Lady Lilia mě tentokrát převezla.{Lady Lilia got me.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:45.04,0:01:50.32,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Přetáhla Elephase na svou stranu a přiměla ho\N chovat se jinak, než v původní hře.{She pulled Elephas to her side and had him \Nact differently than the original game.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:51.19,0:01:54.74,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Teď už nemám dost magické síly,\N abych se dostal z cely.{Right now, I don't have enough magic \Npower to get out of this cell.} Dialogue: 0,0:01:54.74,0:01:56.06,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Co se stalo s vaší magií?{What happened to your magic?} Dialogue: 0,0:01:56.69,0:01:59.80,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Všechnu jste mi ukradla vaším Svatým mečem!{You stole it all with your holy sword!} Dialogue: 0,0:02:01.41,0:02:05.11,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,A k mému velkému štěstí\N jsme spadli do mé domoviny.{And, as luck would have it, \Nwe fell into my homeland.} Dialogue: 0,0:02:05.30,0:02:08.75,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Aha. Takže Svatý meč absorboval vaši magii...{I see. The holy sword absorbed your magic...} Dialogue: 0,0:02:09.22,0:02:11.90,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Proto mám tolik energie?{Is that why I have so much energy?} Dialogue: 0,0:02:11.90,0:02:12.76,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,{Huh?} Dialogue: 0,0:02:29.31,0:02:33.21,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Zdá se, že mám dost síly na to,\N abych zachránila vaši domovinu.{Well, it seems I have enough \Nstrength to save your homeland.} Dialogue: 0,0:02:33.63,0:02:34.92,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Chtěl byste ještě něco říct?{Got anything to say?} Dialogue: 0,0:02:34.92,0:02:36.82,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,A-Ale já...{B-But I...} Dialogue: 0,0:02:37.24,0:02:39.18,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Nechci tvou sebelítost.{I don't need your self-condemnation.} Dialogue: 0,0:02:39.18,0:02:41.99,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,A stejně tak ti nikdy neodpustím,\N cos provedl Almondovi.{And I'll never forgive you \Nfor what you did to Almond.} Dialogue: 0,0:02:45.72,0:02:47.60,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Chci abys tu žadonil.{Beg me, pathetically.} Dialogue: 0,0:02:48.17,0:02:50.97,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Na kolena a poníženě škemrej o odpuštění!{Get on your knees and plead for \Nforgiveness in a humiliating manner!} Dialogue: 0,0:02:51.92,0:02:57.07,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Jestli to zvládneš, můžu tím aspoň částečně,\N Almondovi ospravedlnit své činy.{If you do that, I can give \NAlmond an excuse for my actions.} Dialogue: 0,0:03:04.20,0:03:05.70,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,C-Co to děláš?{Wh-What are you doing?!} Dialogue: 0,0:03:07.48,0:03:08.20,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Oko...{The...} Dialogue: 0,0:03:09.99,0:03:14.29,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Oko čaroděje může posloužit \Njako mocný magický předmět.{The eyes of a sorcerer can serve \Nas powerful magic items.} Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.86,0:03:20.02,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,S pomocí mého levého oka budete moct \Nuvolnit z Pána démonů mé kouzlo.{You'll be able to release the spell \Non the demon lord with my left eye.} Dialogue: 0,0:03:26.61,0:03:31.22,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Tohle vám nabízím jako svůj symbol loajality. {This is the greatest thing I can \Noffer as a symbol of my loyalty.} Dialogue: 0,0:03:34.03,0:03:37.86,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Nevadí ti, když ho zachráním Almonde, že?{It's okay if I save him, right, Almond?} Dialogue: 0,0:03:45.73,0:03:48.80,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Dostaneme se odtud \Na zamíříme do hlavního města.{We're going to conquer your homeland \Nand go to the imperial capital.} Dialogue: 0,0:03:48.80,0:03:50.99,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Ten krystal si zatím nech.{Hold on to that crystal.} Dialogue: 0,0:03:51.08,0:04:04.88,Main,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,500)}{\3c&HF685A9&\fnSegoe Print\fs140}NyāSub{\3c\fn\fs} \N Překlad a korekce: fajmater Dialogue: 0,0:04:15.73,0:04:19.61,Show_Title,OP Title,0,0,0,,{\fad(225,0)\1a&HFF&\3a&HFF&\pos(960,45)}Jsem {\fs108}záporačka,{\fs90}\Ntakže {\fs108\c&H1600ED&}si ochočím {\c&HFFFFFF&\fs60\bord12}závěrečného {\fs90\3a&H00&\c&H0B93B8&\bord24\3c&H0291BA&}bosse {I'm the Villainess So I'm Taming the Final Boss} Dialogue: 0,0:04:15.73,0:04:19.61,Show_Title,OP Title,0,0,0,,{\fad(225,0)\pos(960,45)}Jsem {\fs108\pos(960,45)}záporačka,{\fs90}\Ntakže {\fs108\c&H1600ED&}si ochočím {\fs60\c&HFFFFFF&\bord12\3c&H0992B4&\alpha&HFF&\t(1073,1197,1 \alpha&H00&)}závěrečného {\fs90\c&H0B93B8&\bord12\3c&HFFFFFF&\alpha&H00&}bosse {I'm the Villainess So I'm Taming the Final Boss} Dialogue: 0,0:05:21.00,0:05:24.92,Episode_Title,Episode Title,0,0,0,,{ \pos(114,885)\fad(1050,900)\blur6\fsp3\fscx80}I záporačka může být hlavní hrdinkou, když na světě existuje láska{Even the Villainess Can Be the Main Character if There Is Love} Dialogue: 0,0:05:21.77,0:05:22.98,Main - Top,Knights,0,0,0,,Počkejte! Stůjte!{Wait! Stop!} Dialogue: 0,0:05:22.98,0:05:23.70,Main - Top,Knights,0,0,0,,Zastavte!{Wait!} Dialogue: 0,0:05:23.70,0:05:24.61,Main - Top,Knights,0,0,0,,Stát!{Stop!} Dialogue: 0,0:05:28.53,0:05:29.55,Main,Knights,0,0,0,,Zastavte je!{Stop them!} Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.17,0:05:33.26,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Tudy.{This way.} Dialogue: 0,0:05:34.56,0:05:35.88,Main,Auguste,0,0,0,,Seleno? Dialogue: 0,0:05:36.22,0:05:38.55,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Jestli chcete utéct, následujte mě.{Come with me if you want to escape.} Dialogue: 0,0:05:38.55,0:05:40.46,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Také vím, kde ukrývají Pána démonů.{I know where the demon lord is, too.} Dialogue: 0,0:05:40.93,0:05:43.00,Main,Auguste,0,0,0,,P-Proč nám pomáháte?{Wh-Why are you helping us?} Dialogue: 0,0:05:43.65,0:05:45.99,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Když vás všechny zachráním, Lilia...{If I save all of you, Lilia...} Dialogue: 0,0:05:46.49,0:05:50.02,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Nebude z toho nadšená. To je vše.{That woman will hate it. That's all.} Dialogue: 0,0:05:59.68,0:06:03.56,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Když tak přemýšlím, \Nco z toho vlastně Královna Vdova má,{Come to think of it, what's the \Ndowager empress trying to accomplish} Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.56,0:06:05.46,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,že drží čaroděje jako rukojmí?{by keeping the sorcerers hostage?} Dialogue: 0,0:06:05.66,0:06:07.60,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Nepřijde ti to zvláštní?{Don't you find it strange?} Dialogue: 0,0:06:08.00,0:06:10.29,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Jak si Královna Vdova zachovává své mládí?{How does the dowager empress \Nmaintain her youth?} Dialogue: 0,0:06:10.29,0:06:12.38,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Počkat, tím chceš říct...{Wait, you don't mean...} Dialogue: 0,0:06:12.38,0:06:14.99,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Jaké to plýtvání čaroději!{What a wasteful use of sorcerers!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:23.51,0:06:25.65,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Isaacu! Sire Keithe! Dialogue: 0,0:06:26.94,0:06:27.98,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Lady Aileen?! Dialogue: 0,0:06:29.41,0:06:31.86,Main,Isaac,0,0,0,,Co s vámi dělá ten čaroděj?!{Hey! Why is that sorcerer with you?!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:32.17,0:06:33.46,Main,Isaac,0,0,0,,Je to nepřítel!{He's an enemy!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:33.46,0:06:35.68,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,V pořádku. Už jsem ho zkrotila!{It's fine! He's been trained!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:35.68,0:06:37.74,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Kéž byste to formulovala jinak...{Please mind your phrasing...} Dialogue: 0,0:06:37.74,0:06:39.66,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Hlavně ale, co se tu děje?{More importantly, what's going on?} Dialogue: 0,0:06:39.66,0:06:41.99,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Démoni měli prchnout co nejdál!{The demons should have fled \Nfrom the imperial capital!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:42.39,0:06:45.93,Main,Isaac,0,0,0,,Otočili se se slovy, že zachrání Pána démonů!{They've turned around, saying they're \Ngoing to save the demon lord!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:45.93,0:06:46.75,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Cože?!{What?!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:48.94,0:06:50.90,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Pomozte mi, Elephasi!{Help me, Elephas!} Dialogue: 0,0:06:50.90,0:06:53.01,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Touhle dobou už musíte mít nějakou sílu zpět.{You must have regained some \Nof your powers by now.} Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.01,0:06:54.78,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Počkat... Lady Aileen?!{Wait... Lady Aileen?!} Dialogue: 0,0:07:04.16,0:07:06.18,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Aileen! Ustup!{Aileen! Move!} Dialogue: 0,0:07:06.18,0:07:08.04,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Náš Pán nás volá!{Our lord is crying out!} Dialogue: 0,0:07:08.04,0:07:09.31,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Uklidněte se!{Calm down!} Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.31,0:07:11.85,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Lord Claude vám nenařídil,\N abyste se vrátili, no ne?{Lord Claude didn't order \Nyou to return, did he?} Dialogue: 0,0:07:11.85,0:07:14.22,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Takže se ho nemáme pokusit zachránit?{So we shouldn't save him, then?} Dialogue: 0,0:07:14.22,0:07:17.04,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,To ti víc záleží na lidech,\N než na našem Pánovi?{Do you care more about the \Nhumans than about our lord?!} Dialogue: 0,0:07:21.36,0:07:24.26,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Sama půjdu a Lorda Clauda zachráním.{I'll go and save Lord Claude.} Dialogue: 0,0:07:25.00,0:07:28.70,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Belzebuthe, ty musíš ochránit ostatní démony.{Belzebuth, you have to protect the demons.} Dialogue: 0,0:07:31.71,0:07:36.01,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Než zapadne slunce. Déle čekat nebudeme.{Until the sun sets. We won't \Nwait a moment longer.} Dialogue: 0,0:07:38.52,0:07:41.01,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Pokud jde o vás, bez problémů \Nnás dostanu do hlavního města.{If it's just you, I can easily \Ntake us to the imperial capital.} Dialogue: 0,0:07:41.62,0:07:43.41,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Otázkou je, co pak tam.{The problem is what to do once we get there.} Dialogue: 0,0:07:43.41,0:07:44.84,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Co tím myslíš?{What do you mean?} Dialogue: 0,0:07:44.84,0:07:48.66,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Musíme vložit tento krystal \Ndo magického stroje Královny Vdovy,{We'll have to put this crystal into \Nthe dowager empress's magical tool} Dialogue: 0,0:07:48.66,0:07:51.02,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,abychom to kouzlo prolomili.{in order to break the spell.} Dialogue: 0,0:07:51.26,0:07:53.99,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Já ale nevím, kde je ten stroj schovaný...{But I don't know where the \Ntool itself is hidden...} Dialogue: 0,0:07:54.67,0:07:58.04,Main,James,0,0,0,,Aileen! Slyšíte mě? Aileen!{Aileen! Can you hear me? Aileen!} Dialogue: 0,0:07:58.04,0:07:59.91,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Co je to za hlas?{Huh? What is that voice?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:01.16,0:08:03.33,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Jamesi?! Slyším tě!{James?! I can hear you!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:03.33,0:08:04.68,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Kde jsi?{Where are you?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:04.68,0:08:06.73,Main,James,0,0,0,,Jsem v jedné z odlehlých\N budov královského paláce.{I'm in a detached building \Nof the imperial palace.} Dialogue: 0,0:08:06.73,0:08:09.12,Main,James,0,0,0,,Našli jsme Lorda Clauda, ale...{We managed to find Lord Claude, but...} Dialogue: 0,0:08:09.61,0:08:13.01,Main,James,0,0,0,,Zdrogovali ho démoní incensí \Na je stále v bezvědomí.{He's been drugged with demon incense \Nand hasn't regained consciousness.} Dialogue: 0,0:08:13.34,0:08:14.72,Main - Top,Holy Knights,0,0,0,,Otevřete!{Open up!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:13.56,0:08:15.44,Main,James,0,0,0,,A jsme obklíčeni!{And we're surrounded!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:15.80,0:08:17.02,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Je Rachel v bezpečí?{Is Rachel safe?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:17.40,0:08:20.52,Main,James,0,0,0,,Ano, ta je z nás nejsoustředěnější.{Yes. She worked the hardest of all of us.} Dialogue: 0,0:08:20.52,0:08:23.53,Main,James,0,0,0,,Každopádně, Pán démonů je k sobě volá \Nkvůli té démoní incensi!{Anyway, the demon lord is crying \Nout because of the demon incense!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:23.85,0:08:25.89,Main,James,0,0,0,,Pokud by náš Pán získal své schopnosti zpět,{If our lord regains his powers,} Dialogue: 0,0:08:25.89,0:08:28.03,Main,James,0,0,0,,vliv démoní incense pomine...{the demon incense inside him \Nwill instantly disperse...} Dialogue: 0,0:08:28.25,0:08:30.14,Main,James,0,0,0,,Nemáme ale tušení, jak to provést!{But we have no idea how!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:32.64,0:08:34.78,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Seleno! Slyšíš mě?{Selena! Can you hear me?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:34.78,0:08:37.79,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Nevíš něco o magickém \Npředmětu Královny Vdovy?{Do you know anything about the \Ndowager empress's magic tool?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:37.79,0:08:38.86,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Magický předmět?{Magic tool?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:38.86,0:08:42.29,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Copak ses nechtěla dostat \Ndo postele Prince Cedrica?{Weren't you trying to get \Ninto Prince Cédric's bed?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:42.54,0:08:45.24,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,To sis nedělala žádný průzkum ohledně paláce?{Haven't you done some research \Nabout the imperial capital?} Dialogue: 0,0:08:45.24,0:08:48.05,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,I-I kdyby jo, proč bych ti to říkala?!{E-Even if I was, why would I tell you?!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:48.05,0:08:50.89,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Nesnáším tě jen o trochu míň než Lady Lilii!{You're the person I hate \Nmost after Lady Lilia!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:50.89,0:08:51.66,Main,Auguste,0,0,0,,Seleno! Dialogue: 0,0:08:52.51,0:08:55.81,Main,Auguste,0,0,0,,Prosím! Potřebujeme tě, Seleno!{Please! We need you, Selena!} Dialogue: 0,0:08:58.52,0:09:00.99,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Vaší nejlepší možností je severní věž.{The northern tower is your best bet.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:00.99,0:09:04.32,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Říká se, že tam ukrývá svůj největší poklad.{There are rumors that she hides \Na very important treasure there.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:04.32,0:09:08.80,Main,Auguste,0,0,0,,T-To je pravda. Do té oblasti \Nneměli přístup ani Svatí rytíři!{Th-That's true. The holy knights were \Nnever allowed near that area!} Dialogue: 0,0:09:09.99,0:09:12.07,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Vy dva se k sobě opravdu hodíte.{You two are such a good fit.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:12.07,0:09:15.15,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Měl by sis nechat Selenou\N zamotat hlavu, Auguste.{You should let yourself be \Nfooled by Selena forever.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:15.58,0:09:16.85,Main,Auguste,0,0,0,,Co tím jako myslíte?!{What's that supposed to mean?!} Dialogue: 0,0:09:15.58,0:09:17.57,Main,Selena,0,0,0,,Co to jako žvaníš?!{What are you saying?!} Dialogue: 0,0:09:17.57,0:09:18.69,Main,James,0,0,0,,Aileen. Dialogue: 0,0:09:19.76,0:09:22.20,Main,James,0,0,0,,Ochráníme Lorda Clauda. {We'll protect Lord Claude.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:23.49,0:09:27.33,Main,James,0,0,0,,Dávejte na sebe pozor. Jinak z toho\N bude Lord Claude velmi smutný.{Stay safe. Otherwise, \NLord Claude will be sad.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:27.53,0:09:32.08,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Budu v pořádku. Nedopustím, \Naby byl kdy Lord Claude smutný.{I'll be fine. I would never \Nmake Lord Claude sad.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:42.94,0:09:43.81,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Tudy.{This way.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:45.40,0:09:48.94,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Drží rukojmí z rodu Levi taktéž v severní věži?{Are the hostages of the Levi family \Nalso being kept in the northern tower?} Dialogue: 0,0:09:48.94,0:09:49.52,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Ano.{Yeah.} Dialogue: 0,0:09:51.92,0:09:54.60,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Svatý meč? Přece nemůže...{The holy sword? It couldn't be...} Dialogue: 0,0:10:09.00,0:10:14.00,Voice Actor,Text,0,0,0,,{\pos(138,512.001)}Hlas: Kana Hanazawa{Voice: Kana Hanazawa} Dialogue: 0,0:10:09.00,0:10:14.00,Character Sign,Text,0,0,0,,{\pos(339.667,175.333)}Postava Dialogue: 1,0:10:09.00,0:10:14.00,sign_14602_147_She_is_the_reinc,Text,0,0,0,,{\fs42}Je reinkarnací Panny se Svatým mečem.\N Původně byla jen obyčejnou holkou, \Nale nakonec se stala baronkou. Na akademii \Npatří mezi oblíbence. Jako nositelka \NSvatého meče je i nejsilnějším svatým \Nrytířem v celé říši. Stejně jako Aileen má \Nvzpomínky na hru a bravurně s postavami\N manipuluje, jak se jí zlíbí.{She is the reincarnation of the Holy\N Sword Maiden. Though she is a \Ncommoner who rose up to become\N a baroness, she is very popular in \Nthe academy. As the bearer of the \Nholy sword, she becomes the strongest\N holy knight in the empire. Just like\N Aileen, she has memories of the game\N and skillfully manipulates the characters \Nas she wishes.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:09.00,0:10:14.00,Main,Text,0,0,0,,{\p1\c&HE1FAF5&\bord0\shad0\an4\pos(135.999,771.999)\clip(m 30 582 l 801 582 804 1059 30 1059)}m 0 0 l 825 0 l 825 522 l 0 522 Dialogue: 0,0:10:15.84,0:10:19.41,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Ale, ale. Neměl být Elephas\N touhle dobou už dávno popraven?{Oh, my. Shouldn't Elephas \Nhave been executed by now?} Dialogue: 0,0:10:19.82,0:10:21.91,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Tahle dojemná linka patřila mým oblíbeným.{I loved that romance path \Nbecause it was so sad.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:21.91,0:10:24.26,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Proto jsem tak opatrně navyšovala\N jeho úroveň náklonnosti.{That's why I was careful \Nto raise his affection level.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:25.45,0:10:27.49,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,S tím si nelam hlavu.{Oh, don't worry about it.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:27.49,0:10:29.76,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Postavy nechápou, o čem se tu bavíme.{Characters wouldn't understand \Nwhat I'm talking about.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:29.76,0:10:31.61,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Že, Lady Aileen?{Right, Lady Aileen?} Dialogue: 0,0:10:32.62,0:10:34.88,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Co si myslíte o tom, jak to pokračuje?{What do you think of how this all went?} Dialogue: 0,0:10:34.88,0:10:38.02,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Poučila jsem se ze svých chyb\N a tentokrát se opravdu snažila.{I learned from my previous mistakes \Nand tried my best this time.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:38.02,0:10:41.90,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Snažíš se na nesprávných místech.{The focus of your efforts \Nis completely wrong.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:41.90,0:10:47.01,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Vážně? Byla ale docela dřina získat \NSvatý meč z Leicesterovi milostné linky.{Really? But it wasn't easy to obtain the \Nholy sword from Leicester's romance path.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:50.14,0:10:52.85,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Můj Svatý meč pochází \Nz Cedricovi romantické linky.{My holy sword is from Prince \NCédric's romance path.} Dialogue: 0,0:10:53.22,0:10:57.94,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Lady Lilia tedy splnila další romantickou linku, \Naby získala vlastní Svatý meč.{Lady Lilia conquered another romance \Npath to regain her own holy sword.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:01.67,0:11:05.83,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Upoutám její pozornost. \NZrušte z Lorda Clauda to kouzlo. {I'll draw her attention. \NRelease Lord Claude from the spell.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:06.56,0:11:08.93,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Můžu se tě na něco zeptat?{Can I ask you one thing?} Dialogue: 0,0:11:09.21,0:11:11.45,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Proč se mi stále pleteš do cesty?{Why do you keep getting in my way?} Dialogue: 0,0:11:11.45,0:11:15.07,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Jsem jediná, která může být tvoje rivalka.{Well, I'm the only person who \Ncould possibly be your opponent.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:15.57,0:11:19.32,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Opovaž se proti mě uboze prohrát, Lady Aileen.{Don't suffer a pathetic loss \Nagainst me, Lady Aileen.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:19.57,0:11:23.07,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Přeci jen jsi tu hlavní postavou.{You're the main character, after all.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:32.96,0:11:36.93,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Pokud se našemu Pánovi něco stane, \Nzaplatíš za to.{If anything happens to our lord,\N we will make you pay for it.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:37.32,0:11:41.80,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Klidně. Pokud na to dojde, \Nklidně mi ukousni hlavu.{That's fine. If anything does happen,\Njust bite my head off.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:42.23,0:11:46.44,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Sám jsem se ledasčím provinil. \NByla by to pro mě čest.{I've done a few bad things myself.\N It'd be an honor.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:46.82,0:11:48.54,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,O čem to mluvíš?{What are you talking about?} Dialogue: 0,0:11:49.27,0:11:52.87,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Všem jsem vám záviděl.{I was jealous of all of you.} Dialogue: 0,0:11:52.87,0:11:55.14,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Kdykoliv Lord Claude trpí...{Even if Lord Claude is hurting...} Dialogue: 0,0:11:55.75,0:11:58.79,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Jsem vždycky jediný, který to netuší.{I'm always the only one who doesn't know.} Dialogue: 0,0:12:05.21,0:12:07.81,Main,Denis,0,0,0,,Sire Belzebuthe! Dialogue: 0,0:12:11.04,0:12:13.09,Main,Denis,0,0,0,,Konečně jsme vás dostihli!{We finally caught up to you!} Dialogue: 0,0:12:14.17,0:12:16.04,Main,Quartz,0,0,0,,Jsou tu nějací ranění démoni?{Are there any injured demons?} Dialogue: 0,0:12:17.26,0:12:18.94,Main,Luc,0,0,0,,Přinesli jsme léky.{We brought medicine.} Dialogue: 0,0:12:18.94,0:12:21.46,Main,Jasper,0,0,0,,Už patřím do starého železa. \NNeměl bych tak dřít.{I'm an old man. Don't make me work so hard.} Dialogue: 0,0:12:21.46,0:12:23.30,Main,Isaac,0,0,0,,Takže, co hodláte udělat?{So what are you guys going to do?} Dialogue: 0,0:12:23.30,0:12:26.73,Main,Isaac,0,0,0,,Prostě tam bez přemýšlení vpadnete,\N jakmile zapadne slunce?{Are you just invading without \Nthinking once the sun sets?} Dialogue: 0,0:12:27.15,0:12:30.47,Main,Isaac,0,0,0,,Nebo chcete jít s námi \Na Pána démonů zachránit?{Or do you want to go with \Nus to save the demon lord?} Dialogue: 0,0:12:30.97,0:12:33.69,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Proč byste zachraňovali našeho Pána?{Why would all of you save our lord?} Dialogue: 0,0:12:33.69,0:12:36.99,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Copak vám náš Pán nestojí v cestě, \Nkdyž všichni Aileen milujete?{Isn't our lord in your way \Nif you all like Aileen?} Dialogue: 0,0:12:42.98,0:12:46.86,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Ne, že byste našemu Pánovi \Nsahali byť jen po kotníky...{Not that you lot would be any match \Nfor our lord, even all together...} Dialogue: 0,0:12:47.20,0:12:49.61,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Bele, přemýšlej než něco plácneš!{Bel, read the atmosphere!} Dialogue: 0,0:12:49.61,0:12:52.73,Main,Keith,0,0,0,,Snaž se pochopit složitost mužského srdce!{Try to understand the \Ncomplexities of a man's heart!} Dialogue: 0,0:12:55.64,0:12:59.33,Main,Jasper,0,0,0,,Proč bychom ho zachraňovali? \NTo je snad očividné, ne?{Why would we save him? \NThe answer is obvious.} Dialogue: 0,0:13:00.03,0:13:02.15,Main,Jasper,0,0,0,,Lidé jsou hloupí.{Humans are stupid.} Dialogue: 0,0:13:02.51,0:13:06.61,Main,Jasper,0,0,0,,Myslí si, že dokážou vyjít s kýmkoliv, \Nkdyž si to usmyslí.{They think they can get along with anyone \Nif they just put their minds to it.} Dialogue: 0,0:13:08.59,0:13:09.85,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,S kýmkoliv?{Anyone?} Dialogue: 0,0:13:09.85,0:13:12.42,Main,Jasper,0,0,0,,Přesně tak. I s vámi.{That's right. Even you guys.} Dialogue: 0,0:13:15.04,0:13:19.09,Main,Belzebuth,0,0,0,,Jak lidské. \NVšichni jste tak arogantní a vypočítaví.{How very human. You're all \Nso arrogant and self-serving.} Dialogue: 0,0:13:39.87,0:13:42.02,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Jseš zatraceně silná hrdinka...{You freaking overpowered main character...} Dialogue: 0,0:13:42.55,0:13:43.55,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Ale, ale.{Oh, my.} Dialogue: 0,0:13:43.55,0:13:47.47,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Copak není na konci každé otome hry\N hrdinka po zásluze odměněna?{Aren't the efforts of the heroine \Nalways rewarded in an otome game?} Dialogue: 0,0:13:47.71,0:13:50.68,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Měla bys investovat svém body \Ni do správné etikety!{You should work on your \Netiquette parameters, too!} Dialogue: 0,0:13:50.68,0:13:54.30,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Tím bych pak nemohla navýšit svůj parametr síly.{Well, increasing that parameter works \Nagainst the strength parameter.} Dialogue: 0,0:13:54.30,0:13:57.89,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Nejsou ale základní parametry\N záporačky docela vysoko?{But aren't the base parameters \Nof the villainess a bit too high?} Dialogue: 0,0:13:57.89,0:13:59.48,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Jediná negativní věc je...{The only negative thing is...} Dialogue: 0,0:13:59.48,0:14:00.70,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,...špatná osobnost?{a bad personality?} Dialogue: 0,0:14:07.08,0:14:09.31,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Zeď jsem vytvořila pomocí mého Svatého meče.{It's a wall made with my holy sword.} Dialogue: 0,0:14:09.31,0:14:12.17,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Nepleťte se nám tu prosím do zábavy.{Please don't get in the way of my fun time.} Dialogue: 0,0:14:15.73,0:14:17.72,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Musím jí ten Svatý meč vzít!{I need to take that holy sword from her!} Dialogue: 0,0:14:27.10,0:14:28.10,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Cože?!{What?!} Dialogue: 0,0:14:30.34,0:14:32.41,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,To bolí!{That hurts!} Dialogue: 0,0:14:32.41,0:14:35.26,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Sakra. Fakt to děsně bolí!{No way. This really hurts like hell!} Dialogue: 0,0:14:36.07,0:14:37.85,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,To chceš vstřebat i můj Svatý meč?!{Do you plan to absorb my holy sword?!} Dialogue: 0,0:14:37.85,0:14:39.79,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Jen si beru, co mi patří.{I'm just having you return it.} Dialogue: 0,0:14:39.79,0:14:43.99,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Pak budu jediná, která bude moc \NPána démonů zničit i spolu s všemi démony. {Then only I will be able destroy the \Ndemon lord and all the demons.} Dialogue: 0,0:14:44.60,0:14:48.00,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Mělas si tu hru se mnou pořádně zahrát!{You should play this game with me more!} Dialogue: 0,0:14:51.04,0:14:52.78,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Netrápí tě to?{Doesn't it bother you?} Dialogue: 0,0:14:52.78,0:14:57.25,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Co vůbec Panna se Svatým mečem vlastně je?{What in the world is a Holy \NSword Maiden, anyway?} Dialogue: 0,0:14:57.25,0:14:59.07,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Panna se Svatým mečem?{The Holy Sword Maiden?} Dialogue: 0,0:14:59.61,0:15:03.24,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Já jsem žena, \Nkterá se stane manželkou Pána démonů!{I'm the woman who will become \Nthe wife of the demon lord!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:05.13,0:15:09.94,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Co vlastně jsou\N {\i1}Insignie Svatých, Démonů a Panen{\i0}? {Just what is Regalia of Saints, \NDemons, and Maidens?} Dialogue: 0,0:15:10.39,0:15:11.94,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,To je přece jasné.{That's obvious.} Dialogue: 0,0:15:12.75,0:15:15.56,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Jde o sílu lásky!{It's just the power of love!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:18.62,0:15:20.27,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,To jako myslíš vážně?!{Are you serious?!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.27,0:15:22.48,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Vstřebáváš magii Pána démonů?!{You're absorbing the demon lord's magic?!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:22.87,0:15:24.90,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Plánuješ sama Pána démonů zabít?!{Are you planning to kill the demon lord?!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:32.31,0:15:35.57,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Lord Claude by nikdy nezemřel\N a nenechal mě tu samotnou!{Lord Claude would never \Ndie and leave me behind!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:36.77,0:15:42.05,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Takže to znamená, že než k tomu dojde,\N tak ho musím prostě zachránit!{And that just means I need to save \NLord Claude before that happens!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:50.86,0:15:52.38,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,J-Je to k ničemu!{I-It's no use!} Dialogue: 0,0:15:54.26,0:15:55.63,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Dveře jsou zamčené magií!{The door is shut with magic!} Dialogue: 0,0:16:03.49,0:16:05.09,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Škoda!{Too bad!} Dialogue: 0,0:16:09.33,0:16:10.89,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Dochází mi magická energie...{I'm running out of magic power...} Dialogue: 0,0:16:11.21,0:16:14.77,Italics,Aileen; Internal,0,0,0,,Lord Claude umírá!{Lord Claude is dying!} Dialogue: 0,0:16:15.65,0:16:18.82,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Použiji všechnu svou magii!{I-I'll use all of my magic!} Dialogue: 0,0:16:30.70,0:16:32.21,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Lady Aileen! Dialogue: 0,0:16:32.51,0:16:34.31,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Zdá se, že jsem vyhrála.{Looks like I win.} Dialogue: 0,0:16:46.65,0:16:49.44,Main,Almond,0,0,0,,Už je na čase, abych zazářil?{My turn to shine soon?} Dialogue: 0,0:16:51.45,0:16:54.06,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Cože...{No way...} Dialogue: 0,0:16:56.08,0:16:58.86,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Almonde! Musíme zachránit Lorda Clauda!{Almond! We have to save Lord Claude!} Dialogue: 0,0:16:58.86,0:17:00.11,Main,Almond,0,0,0,,Nech to na mně!{Leave it to me!} Dialogue: 0,0:17:06.69,0:17:08.13,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Co se to děje?!{What's going on?!} Dialogue: 0,0:17:10.50,0:17:13.13,Main,Almond,0,0,0,,Já! Jsem boží!{Me! So cool!} Dialogue: 0,0:17:43.55,0:17:47.03,Main,Lara,0,0,0,,N-Ne. To není možné!{N-No way. It can't be!} Dialogue: 0,0:17:55.68,0:17:57.34,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Zvládli jsme to?{We did it?} Dialogue: 0,0:17:57.71,0:18:00.94,Main,Elephas,0,0,0,,Kouzlo by mělo být zlomeno.{The spell should be gone now.} Dialogue: 0,0:18:01.81,0:18:02.99,Main,Marcus,0,0,0,,Zůstaňte stát!{Stop right there!} Dialogue: 0,0:18:04.58,0:18:07.00,Main,Leicester,0,0,0,,Aileen Lauren d'Autriche! Dialogue: 0,0:18:07.00,0:18:08.82,Main,Leicester,0,0,0,,Budeš popravena za zradu!{You shall be executed for treason!} Dialogue: 0,0:18:13.32,0:18:18.07,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,To je politováníhodné. Kdo by pomyslel, \Nže bude nakonec Lady Aileen popravena...{How sad. To think that Lady Aileen \Nwould be executed in the end...} Dialogue: 0,0:18:22.03,0:18:24.15,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Na koho tím mečem míříte?{Who are you pointing your swords at?} Dialogue: 0,0:18:39.67,0:18:42.10,Main,Aileen,0,0,0,,Lorde Claude... Dialogue: 0,0:18:45.72,0:18:48.73,Main,Almond,0,0,0,,Pán démonů! Pán démonů!{Demon lord! Demon lord!} Dialogue: 0,0:18:50.07,0:18:51.46,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Všichni, ustupte.{Everyone, stand down.} Dialogue: 0,0:18:51.46,0:18:54.92,Main,Leicester,0,0,0,,M-My ale jednáme podle královského rozkazu.{B-But we act under an imperial order.} Dialogue: 0,0:18:54.92,0:18:56.43,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Ten rozkaz jsem zrušil.{I've rescinded that order.} Dialogue: 0,0:18:56.43,0:18:57.24,Main,Leicester,0,0,0,,Cože?{What?} Dialogue: 0,0:18:57.66,0:19:01.21,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Náš Král náhle onemocněl,\N tak se rozhodl soustředit na zotavení. {His Imperial Majesty has fallen ill \Nand is focusing on recuperating.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:01.71,0:19:04.70,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Momentálně jednám jako jeho zástupce.{So I am currently acting in his stead.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:04.70,0:19:06.50,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Není to tak, Cedricu?{Isn't that right, Cédric?} Dialogue: 0,0:19:07.35,0:19:11.05,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Musí tomu tak být, když to můj bratr tvrdí.{It must be true if my brother says so.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:11.75,0:19:14.05,Main,Leicester,0,0,0,,C-Co se tu děje?{Wh-What's going on?} Dialogue: 0,0:19:14.05,0:19:15.26,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Leicestere... Dialogue: 0,0:19:15.47,0:19:19.60,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Už také víme, že to ty jsi\N na černém trhu koupil démoní incensi.{We already know that you bought the \Ndemon incense from the black market.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:20.16,0:19:22.36,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,A zdá se, že i Marcus je zmanipulovaný.{Looks like Marcus was manipulated, as well.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:22.36,0:19:22.87,Main,Marcus,0,0,0,,Co—{Wha—} Dialogue: 0,0:19:23.22,0:19:25.48,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,Cože? Co se to děje?{What? What's going on?} Dialogue: 0,0:19:25.48,0:19:28.75,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Lilio... Jsi opravdu děsivá žena.{Lilia... What a terrifying woman you are.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:29.25,0:19:34.24,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Každý udělá, co ti na očích vidí, \Nale zdá se, že tobě je to úplně jedno.{Everyone acts for your sake, but you act \Nlike you have nothing to do with it.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:36.58,0:19:40.86,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Bratře, jsem zodpovědný, že k tomu došlo.{Brother, I am responsible for \Nallowing this to happen.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:40.86,0:19:43.78,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,A má snoubenka je vinna jakbysmet.{Of course, my fiancée is guilty \Nfor her actions, as well.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:44.26,0:19:45.43,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Potrestej nás, jak uznáš za vhodné.{Punish us as you see fit.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:45.43,0:19:46.98,Main,Lilia,0,0,0,,C-Cedricu?! Dialogue: 0,0:19:47.22,0:19:53.46,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,Lilio, už tě nebudu dál slepě poslouchat \Na nebudu jen tvou loutkou.{Lilia, I won't listen to you \Nblindly and become your puppet.} Dialogue: 0,0:19:56.74,0:20:01.01,Main,Cédric,0,0,0,,I když má láska k tobě nikdy nevybledne.{Even so, my love for you will never fade.} Dialogue: 0,0:20:04.98,0:20:06.17,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Aileen. Dialogue: 0,0:20:07.89,0:20:09.23,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Muselas být opravdu vyděšená.{You must have been scared.} Dialogue: 0,0:20:12.92,0:20:14.53,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Všechno už je jak má být.{Everything is fine now.} Dialogue: 0,0:20:16.92,0:20:19.07,Main,Claude,0,0,0,,Pojď ke mně, Aileen.{Come here, Aileen.} Dialogue: 0,0:20:38.55,0:20:40.64,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,"Vezmu si Aileen za manželku."{"I will marry Aileen."} Dialogue: 0,0:20:41.09,0:20:45.18,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,To oznámil Lord Claude krátce poté,\N co Vládce a Královna Vdova{Lord Claude announced that soon after \Nthe emperor and dowager empress} Dialogue: 0,0:20:45.18,0:20:47.22,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,opustili hlavní město, aby se zotavili.{left the imperial capital to recover.} Dialogue: 0,0:20:48.17,0:20:52.11,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Lord Claude také propustil všechny z rodu Levi.{Lord Claude released the Levi family.} Dialogue: 0,0:20:52.58,0:20:57.18,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Také jim slíbil kompenzace za jejich utrpení.{He also promised them official \Nreparations for their suffering.} Dialogue: 0,0:20:57.87,0:21:00.45,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Almond je čilý jako rybička.{Almond is as energetic as ever.} Dialogue: 0,0:21:00.45,0:21:04.08,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Momentálně nacvičuje tanec\N na svatební hostinu.{He's currently practicing his \Ndance for the wedding reception.} Dialogue: 0,0:21:04.81,0:21:09.75,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Elphasův magický šíp \Nmu pouze zpomalil životní funkce.{Elephas's magic arrow only put him \Ninto a state of suspended animation.} Dialogue: 0,0:21:11.00,0:21:16.34,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Jak se od finálního bosse dalo čekat. \NJeho hrdost čaroděje mu nepřipustila zabít démona.{His pride as a sorcerer who didn't kill \Ndemons was befitting of a final boss.} Dialogue: 0,0:21:18.71,0:21:23.76,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Princ Cedric a Lady Lilia dostali\N svůj šťastný špatný konec a skončili ve vězení.{Prince Cédric and Lady Lilia got their \Nhappy bad ending of being sentenced to prison.} Dialogue: 0,0:21:29.21,0:21:34.04,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Moje temná budoucnost a cesta ke zkáze{My dark future and my path to destruction} Dialogue: 0,0:21:34.49,0:21:36.85,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,je teď jasná a nádherná.{are now so bright and beautiful.} Dialogue: 0,0:21:38.17,0:21:42.77,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Nezáleží, na jaké trable \Nv budoucnu ještě narazíme.{I don't care what kind of troubles \Nwe'll have in the future.} Dialogue: 0,0:21:43.68,0:21:49.46,Italics,Aileen; Narration,0,0,0,,Naše láska překoná jakékoliv nástrahy, \Nkteré na nás mohou číhat!{Our love will be able to destroy \Nany bad ending flags in our way!} Dialogue: 0,0:22:05.30,0:22:09.99,Italics,,0,0,0,,{\fad(2000,0)\fnBrush Script MT\fs200\c&HD6F9FB&\3c&HA6DDFB&}Konec. Dialogue: 0,0:22:10.05,0:22:30.05,Italics,,0,0,0,,{\fad(900,900)}{\3c&HF685A9&}NyāSub{\3c} \N Překlad a korekce: fajmater